ORP and Correlation
with Reducing Activity
Reduction Potential (ORP)
is a commonly-used measure in physical chemistry for denoting the
or reduction power of a substance, usually a liquid. It is
in millivolts (mv.) on a scale from -1,200 (most strongly reducing) to
+1,200 (most strongly oxidizing). A reading at or
below approximately
zero (0) strongly, although indirectly, indicates an increasing
of the negative hydrogen ion. For example, a reading of -800
would often indicate a strongly reducing solution, often with strong
properties, and could indicate the presence of large amounts of H-minus
ions in the solution.
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This freely-offered educational website has been totally
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A Quick Note:
Relative Hydrogen
Score, aka rH Score, an Absolute Measure
of Hydrogen Reducing
Power Calculated from ORP and pH
Measures For a brief tutorial on
the Relative
Hydrogen Score, or rH score, please
see the
on-site page devoted to that topic! rH score is an
absolute measure
of hydrogen reducing power (and of oxidizing power) which is
of changes in pH, and which is calculated from measures of ORP and pH.
So, we have seen above
that ORP (ORP) is
a commonly-used measure in physical chemistry for denoting the
or reduction power of a substance, usually a liquid. It is
in millivolts (mv.) on a scale from -1,200 (most strongly reducing) to
+1,200 (most strongly oxidizing). However, notice that this
is a
"sometimes" correlation which does not always hold true in
direction. Thus, a water solution of a compound with a
strongly negative
ORP may show no reducing and antioxidant activity, and a water solution
(of certain compounds dissolved in the water) with strong
(reducing) activity may show a modestly positive ORP.
are some quick points on the whole
topic: - a aqueous product does
not need to have a
strongly negative ORP to have nutritional antioxidant properties
ability) in biochemical systems. Witness vitamin C, vitamin
E, beta
carotene, citric acid, and a host of other biologically active
with higher molecular weights (that that of H or O). Indeed,
a number
of these substances named herein show a pretty strongly positive ORP,
yet, in certain specific biochemical situations, will indeed donate an
electron to a molecule ( a free radical) needing one, thus acting as an
- conversely, a strongly
negative ORP does not
necessarily say anything at all about antioxidant properties. It is
correlated to antioxidant properties, but not always. Some
- If you bubble
hydrogen gas (H2) from
a commercial storage tank through water, the ORP will drop to about
or even further. However, any standard assay of chemical or
antioxidant properties, or of chemical reduction properties, will show
ZERO activity.
- On the other hand, ERW
ionized water
and water containing MegaH™ (aka
Active H-, MegaH-™ or MegaHydrin™)
not only show a strongly negative ORP, but also strong reducing and
effects in both chemical and biochemical (life-type) reactions, as
by a number of standard assays of such activity.
- Just
as some substances with strongly positive
ORP are highly toxic (witness chlorine bleach and hydrogen peroxide),
it is true that some substances with strongly negative ORP are toxic as
well. For example, dissolve sodium hydroxide in water
or YOU WILL BE BURNED OR BLINDED!), and the ORP becomes modestly
but yet it is toxic due to its alkalinity. Another great
is lithium hydride. This substance shows a strongly negative
and yet is incredibly toxic.
the ORP
correlation with antioxidant activity
tends, among other limitations and qualifications, to apply only to
with very small molecular weight. Thus, water and the
negative hydrogen
ion may be in the ballpark, but larger molecules with molecular weight
in the hundreds or thousands (vitamin C, vitamin E, citric acid, beta
alpha lipoic acid, pycogenol) hold onto their free electron in another
way, and so it is no apparent or available in a simple aqueous
Some illustrations
follow: In the early days
when MegaH™ (aka
MegaH-™) was first marketed, a
modest number of degreed
folks with traditional scientific backgrounds (and a bit of paradigm
scoffed at the idea that the substance could contain hydrogen, and that
it could contain the negative hydrogen ion. However, in any
of half-dozen
cases of which this author has heard, these scientists were invited to
dissolve some MegaH™ (aka
MegaH-™) in water, and then add a
bit of
a mild acid. Immediately, the mixture started foaming and
gas bubbles. Subsequent flame tests showed that the gas was
as did breathing the gas, which produced even higher-pitched vocal
than did breathing helium. Next, some of the more rear-guard mainstream scientists, while yielding
on the hydrogen and ORP issues, claimed that products such as MegaH and
Megahydrate could not possibly exhibit true reducing activity
(antioxidant activity) in a biological system. By this time, a
number of studies had been performed on MegaH in independent
private and university laboratories which had demonstrated that MegaH
showed not only reducing activity in standard chemical assays, but strong
antioxidant effects in standard biochemical (in vitro) assays, some of
them using live cells. As these results became known, mainstream skeptics
started to back off from their ridicule of this family of extremely low
molecular weight (ELMW) nutritional supplement products. Finally, as NMR
sutdies performed by independent laboratories confirmed the presence of
ample amounts of unique silica hydrides and caged (protected) hydride
ions, the resistance on the part of rear-guard mainstream resarcher
subsided even further...But this leads us to the
next point: How
can one easily tell if a solution which shows a strongly negative ORP
has reducing properties? As mentioned above, there are a
number of
standard chemical and biochemical assays, or tests, which can be
in any well-equipped lab, to measure just that quality. But.
. .
. what if you just need a quick indication, and do not have
to a lab? Well, here are two quick tests:
- A
water solution with a strongly negative
ORP but which demonstrates no true chemical reducing activity must
contain large amounts of dissolved diatomic hydrogen (H2)
gas. Therefore,
one quick test for any solution showing strongly negative ORP is to
it in a laboratory de-gasser (a type of ultrasonic bath) and drive off
any dissolved gases for an hour. After the de-gassing
if the water still exhibits a strongly negative ORP, then it is likely
a truly reducing medium, whereas if the ORP has regressed to the
range, then the low ORP was due only to dissolved H2 gas.
- for various quirky
reasons, the phenols and
other compounds which cause the bright (red/purple) coloring of grape
can be easily bleached (resulting in loss of color intensity) by
with true reducing activity, but not by substances with strong
activity (within certain reasonable limits, that is.) Nor
will the
color intensity of grape juice be easily bleached by pH changes, as in
the case of strongly acidic or alkaline solutions. Therefore,
author has demonstrated that frozen grape juice concentrate can act as
a quick indicator of true reducing activity. Normally, one
add about one ounce of water to each of five or six empty
Next, one would add about ten drops of grape juice concentrate to the
ounce of water in each beaker, and stir well. The water will turn
Then, one would add 3 ounces of distilled water to one beaker as a
and to each of the other beakers, add 3 onces of whatever substances
in water) which one wished to test. If any beakers, now each
to the 4 ounce mark, shows strongly lessened color intensity, this is a
good indicator of reducing activity. However, this test will not work
unless the reducing water solution added to the beakers for testing has
an ORP of about -500 mv or stronger. Substances which are
more weakly
reducing will exhibit such small effects in color intensity that
may become difficult without a spectrophotometer.
, MegaH
and MegaH-™ are registered trademarks owned by Flantech Group.